Capitol Hill Siege

In keeping with our tradition of providing primary source documents to the research community and the public at large, The Program on Extremism created a central database of court records related to the events of January 6th, 2021. Program staff have meticulously tracked legal proceedings for each of the 1,579 federal defendants charged for their role in the attack on the Capitol, compiling tens of thousands of legal documents to create the most comprehensive dataset available to the public.

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Capital Siege Archives

Report Cover

Responding to the Rise of Domestic Violent Extremism: Improving the Intelligence Community's Practices and Procedures

Authored by Mallory Bryan, Sarah Dunn, E.J. Purdy, and Tara Sonnemaker

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The Women of January 6th: A Gendered Analysis of the 21st Century American Far-Right

Authored by Devorah Margolin and Hilary Matfess

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This is the Aftermath: Assessing DVE One Year After the Capitol Siege

Authored by Bennett Clifford and Jon Lewis

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This is Our House: A Preliminary Assessment of the Capitol Hill Siege Participants

Authored by Lorenzo Vidino, Seamus Hughes, Alexander MeleagrouHitchens, Devorah Margolin, Bennett Clifford, Jon Lewis, Andrew Mines, and Haroro Ingram