Domestic Extremism
Over the last several years, the threat posed by white supremacists, accelerationists, the militia movement, and other extremists has surged. Today, the landscape of domestic extremism in America has metastasized. From attacks on synagogues and black churches to the siege against America's democracy on January 6th, these threats continue to expand and evolve. Our researchers have examined domestic extremist groups and movements from a number of angles. Check out featured news and publications, major projects, and a full archive of related content below.
Recent News & Publications

From Camps to Computers: Inside the Black Hebrew Israelite Extremist Ecosystem on Facebook
August 2024
Progam on Extremism

Christian Identity Reborn: The Evolution and Revitalization of an Antisemitic Theology
August 2024
Progam on Extremism

September 2022
Progam on Extremism
Women in American Violent Extremism: An Examination of Far-Right and Salafi-Jihadist Movements
June 2022
Program on Extremism
April 2022
Program on Extremism
The Women of January 6th: A Gendered Analysis of the 21st Century American Far-Right
April 2022
Program on Extremism
Capitol Hill Siege
In keeping with our tradition of providing primary source documents to the research community and the public at large, The Program on Extremism launched a project to create a central database of court records related to the events of January 6, 2021. The project database is updated daily as additional individuals are charged with criminal activities and new records are introduced into the criminal justice system. You can view today's numbers, check out our interactive visualizations, browse the cases, read our related reports, and download our database by visiting the Capitol Hill Siege page.
Domestic Terrorism Tracker
The Program on Extremism regularly releases our Domestic Terrorism Tracker as part of our GW Extremism Tracker series. From the Boogaloo movement to Neo-fascist Skullmask groups like Atomwaffen Division, Feuerkrieg Division, and The Base, our Domestic Terorrism Tracker provides up-to-date information on legal proceedings and the demographics of these extremist movements.
Racially and Ethnically- Motivated Attacks
In March 2021, the Office for the Director of National Intelligence released an assessment that the “most lethal domestic violent extremist threat[s]” to the United States were racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE). Responding to RMVE-inspired terrorists will require a close, data-driven assessment of the nature and scope of the threat. To this end, The Program on Extremism analyzed 40 cases of individuals charged in United States federal courts between 2014 and 2019, who are alleged to have planned or conducted violent attacks in the United States in furtherance of RMVE causes or ideologies. By evaluating the demographic, ideological, and organizational backgrounds of the perpetrators, as well as their attack-planning methods and processes, this we evaluate the successes and failures of federal law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting RMVE attack planners.
Addressing White Supremacism
The United States has struggled to adapt to a changing domestic terrorism landscape. To meet today's demands, The Program on Extremism and the Anti-Defamation League analyzed the arrests of dozens of domestic extremists, as well as current efforts by law enforcement to disrupt and counter the growing influence of white supmreacy. We focus on the current state of enforcement actions against two domestic white supremacist networks: The Base and Atomwaffen Division. We also outline a number of administrative actions, legislative and policy changes, and other possible federal and state legal and prosecutorial powers that could allow for a more comprehensive and effective approach to countering these threats.
Countering Antisemitism
Antisemitism is pervasive throughout several categories of American extremist movements, both violent and non-violent. American extremists incorporate antisemitic tropes and narratives in every level of their worldviews, using them to help construct “us/them” dichotomies and wide-sweeping conspiracies that are essential to their movements. We assess that antisemitism is foundational to multiple violent extremist movements in the United States, and counter-extremism practitioners and scholars may consider incorporating antisemitism as a diagnostic factor for extremist radicalization.
Anarchist/Left-Wing Violent Extremism in America
Anarchist/left wing violent extremism, often referred to in United States government parlance with the catch-all term “anarchist violent extremism” (AVE), has a long-standing history in the U.S. Over the last several years, violence committed by AVEs was largely locally organized, eventdriven, and/or opportunistic. However, we found that ongoing changes in the political, social, and economic climate in the U.S., as well as changes in the makeup, strength, and doctrines of other American domestic extremist groups, have the potential to escalate the frequency and lethality of violence committed by AVEs in the immediate future.
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- Commentaries
"January 6th Report Summarizes Extremist Threat – But Leaves Key Gaps." Authored by Jon Lewis | Just Security | January 3, 2023.
"What's Different About DOJ's Prosecution of the Oath Keepers." Authored by Jon Lewis | Newsweek | December 19, 2022.
"The Evolution of Critical Infrastructure Targeting by Violent Extremists," Authored by Ilana Krill | Lawfare | October 20, 2022.
"The dangerous evolution of the Oath Keepers — and leader Stewart Rhodes," Authored by Jon Lewis | NBC News | July 14, 2022.
"Assessing US Domestic Extremism in Light of Capitol Riot Investigations," Authored by Seamus Hughes and Ilana Krill | ICCT | June 30, 2022.
"True Threat of the Proud Boys Revealed as Jan. 6 Committee Hearings Go Public." Authored by Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis | Newsweek | June 9, 2022.
"Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: The Great Replacement Theory." Authored by Matthew Kriner, Meghan Conroy, Alex Newhouse and Jon Lewis | Global Network on Extremism and Technology | May 30, 2022.
"Buffalo suspect exposes dangers of accelerationist, neo-fascist lone-actor violence," Authored by Jon Lewis | NBC News | May 22, 2022.
Be Careful Attributing Anything to AWD
Authored by Jon Lewis and Alex Newhouse | Accelerationism Research Consortium | February 21, 2022
What Does the Seditious Conspiracy Indictment Mean For the Oath Keepers?
Authored by Jon Lewis and Seamus Hughes | Lawfare | January 21, 2022
Oath Keepers leader indictment just the tip of a scary iceberg
Authored by Sam Jackson, Matthew Kriner, and Jon Lewis | NBC News | January 17, 2022
The Oath Keepers and Their Role in the January 6 Insurrection
Authored by Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis | CTC Sentinel | December 22, 2021
Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: The Boogaloo
Authored by Matt Kriner, Alex Newhouse, and Jon Lewis | GNET | November 18, 2021For some Capitol Hill rioters, Jan. 6 was just the beginning
Authored by Madi Birkenfeld, Ilana Krill and Andrew Mines | Dallas Morning News | July 26, 2021Pride & Prejudice: The Violent Evolution of the Proud Boys
Authored by Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis | CTC Sentinel | July 2021A Sea Change in Counterterrorism
Authored by Carly Gordenstein and Seamus Hughes | Lawfare | June 13, 2021American counterterrorism cannot be an either/or proposition
Authored by Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes | The Hill | May 25, 2021An Assessment of the U.S. Government’s Domestic Terrorism Assessment
Authored by Seamus Hughes and Rohini Kurup | Lawfare | May 24, 2021“I will never forget this for as long as I live”: Social Learning at the Capitol Hill Siege
Authored by Danielle Carrier, Ilana Krill and Andrew Mines | GNET | May 6, 2021Male Supremacism, Borderline Content, and Gaps in Existing Moderation Efforts
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Authored by Daniel Milton, Andrew Mines, and Angelina Maleska | The Washington Post | March 29, 2021
Selfie and Siege: Women’s Social Media Footprint and the US Capitol Hill Siege
Authored by Devorah Margolin and Chelsea Daymon | GNET | March 3, 2021The U.S. government can do more to fight domestic terror without any new laws
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Authored by Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis | CTC Sentinel | February 17, 2021"Take Nothing But Pictures, Leave Nothing But (Digital) Footprints”: Social Media Evidence From the US Capitol Siege Perpetrators
Authored by Jon Lewis and Bennett Clifford | GNET | January 25, 2021The Capitol mob’s gleeful selfies are easy to mock. They’re also a warning sign.
Authored by Seamus Hughes and Jon Lewis | The Washington Post | January 19, 20213D-Printed Guns, Untraceable Firearms, and Domestic Violent Extremist Actors
Authored by Jon Lewis | GNET | January 7, 2021Extremist Experimentation with Text-Based Instant Messaging Applications
Authored by Bennett Clifford | GNET | November 9, 2020
Why the FBI had to pretend Hamas wanted to plot with ‘boogaloo boys’
Authored by Seamus Hughes and Jon Lewis | The Washington Post | September 9, 2020FBI’s Terror Hunters Turn to a Different Threat: Incels
Authored by Adam Rawnsley and Seamus Hughes | The Daily Beast | September 9, 2020
Balancing Online Content Moderation and the Rule of Law
Authored by Devorah Margolin, Jon Lewis, and Andrew Mines | GNET | September 4, 2020
Spring Provides Timely Reminder of Incel Violence—And Clarifies How to Respond
Authored by Jon Lewis and Jacob Ware | ICCT | August 28, 2020Facebook’s Disruption of the Boogaloo Network
Authored by Jon Lewis | GNET | August 3, 2020Rethinking Domestic Terrorism Law After Boogaloo Movement Attacks
Authored by Jon Lewis | Lawfare | July 27, 20205G and the Far Right: How Extremists Capitalise on Coronavirus Conspiracies
Authored by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens and Blyth Crawford | GNET | April 21, 2020The State Department Should Designate the Russian Imperial Movement as a Foreign Terrorist Organization
Authored by Jon Lewis and Mary McCord | Lawfare | April 14, 2020Our laws have a problem calling domestic terrorism what it is
Authored by Jon Lewis and Seamus Hughes | The Hill | February 6, 2020The Fractured Terrorism Threat to America
Authored by Seamus Hughes and Devorah Margolin | Lawfare | November 10, 2019How to act against domestic terrorists — and their foreign supporters
Authored by Haroro Ingram and Jon Lewis | The Hill | September 15, 2019A Review of Transatlantic Best Practices for Countering Radicalisation in Prisons and Terrorist Recidivism
Authored by Lorenzo Vidino and Bennett Clifford | Europol | July 13, 2019De-Platforming and the Online Extremist’s Dilemma
Authored by Bennett Clifford and Helen Christy Powell | Lawfare | June 6, 2019Trump’s Domestic Countering Violent Extremism Policies Look a Lot Like Obama’s
Authored by Seamus Hughes and Haroro J. Ingram | Lawfare | March 10, 2019Confronting America’s Violent Extremists: A Terrorism Prevention Strategy for the Homeland
Authored by Haroro J. Ingram | Foreign Policy Research Institute | November 26, 2018Rethinking “Prison Radicalisation” – Lessons from the U.S. Federal Correctional System
Authored by Bennett Clifford | ICCT | November 16, 2018Treatment of Terrorists: How Does Gender Affect Justice?
Authored by Audrey Alexander | CTC Sentinel | September 10, 2018America's Terrorism Problem Doesn’t End with Prison—It Might Just Begin There
Authored by Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes | Lawfare | June 17, 2018Whose Responsibility is it to Confront Terrorism Online?
Authored by Seamus Hughes | Lawfare | April 27, 2018Marginalizing Violent Extremism Online
Authored by Audrey Alexander and William Braniff | The Atlantic | January 21, 2018Material Support or Bust
Authored by Seamus Hughes | The Brookings Institute | August 31, 2015Explaining the Lack of an American Domestic Counter-radicalization Strategy
Authored by Lorenzo Vidino | Understanding Deradicalization: Pathways to Enhance Transatlantic Common Perceptions and Practices, Middle East Institute | June 10, 2015- Data
For all data inquiries, please email [email protected].
- Events
Antisemitism in the Black Hebrew Israelite and Christian Identity Movements
Active Clubs and Transnational Far-Right Extremism in 2024 and Beyond
Firsthand Perspectives from the Sam Woodward Trial: A Conversation with Louis Keene
A Book Talk with Spencer Sunshine
Hiding in Plain Sight - The Transnational Right-Wing Extremist Active Club Network
Understanding Mixed Ideology Extremism
American White Supremacist Leaders and the State of the Modern Neo-Nazi Movement
Understanding "Intersectional Antisemitism"
A Conversation with Nicholas Rasmussen
Prevent and Countering Violent Extremism: UK and US Perspectives
Antisemitism in Western Extremist Movements: Responding to the Threat
Post-Organizational Extremism in the Aftermath of the Buffalo Shooting
The State of Online Terrorist and Extremist Content Removal Policy in the United States
New DHS National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin: A Conversation with John Cohen
From Online Extremism to Offline Violence: Section 230 and Content Moderation
American Zealots: A Book Talk with Arie Perliger
Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence
Extremism Prevention: Experiences of Frontline Practitioners
Extremism and the Global Health Crisis
Assessing U.S. and Partner Posture to Counter Propaganda and Disinformation
A Discussion with the DOJ's Domestic Counterterrorism Coordinator
Legal Options for Online Terrorism
Domestic Terrorism and Legal Perspectives on Terrorist Content Online
Terrorism Prevention in the United States
Historical Perspectives on Comparing Terrorism "Waves"
- Legal Documents
- Media Coverage
"Why White Supremacists Are Trying to Attack Energy Grids" | The New York Times | 8/8/2024
"Political Violence: America's Bloody History" | CNN | 7/29/2024
"Neo-Nazi Plot to Attack Power Grid Leads to Prison Sentences for 2 Former Camp Lejeune Marines" | | 7/26/2024
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"US election workers prepare for violence with guns and PPE" | The Times | 7/16/2024
"Nation outraged after assassination attempt on Trump" | USA Today | 7/14/2024
"Far-Right Extremists Call for Violence and War After Trump Shooting" | WIRED | 7/14/2024
"DOJ seeks foothold after Supreme Court loss on Jan. 6 obstruction charge" | The Hill | 7/7/2024
"Is this a MAGA Militia or a Clown Car?" | Rolling Stone | 6/19/2024
"Man planned mass shooting of Black people to start 'race war,' feds say" | The Washington Post | 6/14/2024
"Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones cut from Fiserv Forum event with Tucker Carlson" | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | 6/13/2024
"Capitol Rioter Starts Militia From Inside Prison" | Newsweek | 6/12/2024
"Feds: Arizona man plotted mass shooting in Atlanta to spark 'race war'" | The Atlanta Journal Constitution | 6/12/2024
"A January 6 Rioter Is Leading an Armed National Militia From Prison" | WIRED | 6/12/2024
"Politicians are reporting more harassment. Just ask candidates in Washoe County Races" | The Nevada Independent | 5/26/2024
"Pride month fears: Is the FBI missing the real threat to LGBTQ+ safety?" | Reckon | 5/21/2024
"White Power Outage: Inside a Hilliard teen's fascist terror plot" | Columbia Monthly | 5/21/2024
"How extremists try to capitalise on campus protests" | The Times | 5/7/2024
"Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups" | WIRED | 5/2/2024
"Texas had more white supremacist incidents last year than most of the US. Why?" | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | 4/13/2024
"Parler Media swears it's changed. But can the app escape its problematic past?" | Yahoo News | 4/1/2024
"Far-right extremist group targets Cincinnati drag queens, forced to cancel story time" | WKRC12 | 3/29/2024
"They Make Viral Gun Videos - With Hardline Christian Values" | Mother Jones | 3/28/2024
"Combating Threats to Election Workers Ahead of the 2024 Election" | Democracy Docket | 3/12/2024
"White supremacist fitness clubs are fat-shaming Trump supporters and plotting a race war" | Business Insider | 3/3/2024
"No evidence of rising LGBTQ+ violent extremism or 'trans terrorism'" | Politifact | 2/26/2024
"Reliable Sources Newsletter - Radicalizing the Right" | CNN | 2/1/2024
"A Decapitation May Have Roots in Far-Right Border and Immigrant Paranoia" | WIRED | 2/1/2024
"As Ky. GOP defends Jan 6. rioters, court records show Kentuckians' violence and intent to stop Biden presidency" | Louisville Public Media | 1/17/2024
"The role of 'active clubs' in the American far right" | The Week | 1/13/2024
"Antisemitic incidents spike, ADL says" | CNN | 1/11/2024
"Saturday marks three years since Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection" | Gray Washington News Bureau | 1/6/2024
"How public divide over Jan. 6 could shape 2024 - and beyond" | Christian Science Monitor | 1/5/2024
"Why the QAnon Shaman wants to return to Capitol Hill - as a congressman" | The Telegraph | 1/5/2024
"'I'm really angry about this': Three years later, partisan rift widens in Congress over Jan. 6" | Roll Call | 1/5/2024
"Headed Into Election Year, Proud Boys Appear to Be on Decline" | VICE News | 1/5/2024
"Why Trump can't use the 'idiot' defense other Jan. 6 defendants often lean on" | NBC News | 1/5/2024
"On fringe social media sites, Buffalo mass shooting becomes rallying call for white supremacists" | The Buffalo News | 8/7/2022
"The Proud Boys' initiation creed Roger Stone recited has roots in white supremacy, according to experts" | Business Insider | 7/14/2022
"Jan. 6: Proud Boys, Oath Keepers" | CNN Situation Room | 7/12/2022
"Jan. 6 committee details extremist plot to overturn election" | National Journal | 7/12/2022
"The Jan. 6 committee will focus on extremist groups in its next hearing" | NPR | 7/11/2022
"Jan. 6's Tangled Web Of Extremism" | FiveThirtyEight | 7/11/2022
"5 bombshells we hope drop at Tuesday's Jan. 6 committee hearing on extremist groups and the 'mob on the Mall'" | Business Insider | 7/10/2022
"Patriot Front arrests in Idaho unmask a new generation of hate groups" | The Seattle Times | 6/19/2022
"Right-wing extremists amp up anti-LGBTQ rhetoric online" | AP News | 6/13/2022
"Patriot Front leader among those arrested near Idaho Pride" | AP News | 6/12/2022
"New Jan. 6 details may answer why so many Tampa Bay residents involved" | WFLA | 6/10/2022
"What to know about Thursday’s public hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol" | Nevada Current | 6/8/2022
"Wyoming GOP chair was on restricted grounds during Jan. 6 riot, report says" | Casper Star Tribune | 5/31/2022
"The infinite loop of online extremism" | Protocol | 5/18/2022
"“I’m Only Shitposting IRL”: The All-Too-Familiar Online Ideology Of The Alleged Buffalo Shooter" | Buzzfeed News | 5/17/2022
"Weapon used in Saturday's attack bore white supremacist symbol, names of other gunmen" | The Buffalo News | 5/17/2022
"Racist screed in Buffalo shooting partly ‘plagiarized’ from Christchurch gunman, expert says" | KFOR | 5/17/2022
"A new generation of white supremacist killer: shedding blood with internet winks, memes and livestreams" | Los Angeles Times | 5/15/2022
"How lagging prosecutions and long jail stays are fanning the flames of Jan. 6 extremism" | Business Insider | 3/30/2022
"Talking Chaos, or Plotting a Conspiracy? The Debate in the Whitmer Kidnapping Trial." | The New York Times | 3/13/2022
"Jan. 6 Inmate Talks to VOA" | Voice of America | 3/8/2022
"New charges say Proud Boys discussed plan to attack U.S. Capitol" | NBC News | 3/8/2022
"A year after Jan. 6, attack on the U.S. Capitol lives on in hundreds of court cases" | Idaho Capital Sun | 3/8/2022
"What to know as Gov. Whitmer kidnapping conspiracy case heads to trial" | Detroit News | 3/7/2022
"From law enforcement to a sitting state senator, nearly 300 New Hampshire names appear in Oath Keepers database" | NPHR | 3/3/2022
"Friendly, blue-collar neighbor or cop-attacking Capitol insurrectionist. Can this man be both?" | | 2/1/2022
“Feds Are Blowing Their Chance to Seize Jan. 6 Rioters’ Guns” | Daily Beast | 1/25/2022
“Inside the Oath Keepers' Plan for an Armed Takeover of the US Capitol” | | 1/20/2022
“‘Rise in violent rhetoric’: Lawmakers in both parties report spike in death threats” | Roll Call | 1/20/2022
“Extremism program releases report cataloguing demographics of Jan. 6 defendants” | GW Hatchet | 1/18/2022
“Sedition Indictments of Veterans Unlikely to Solve the Military's Extremism Problem” || 1/14/2022
“Oath Keeper Militia Members Including 5 Veterans Indicted on Sedition Charges for Jan. 6 Riot” | | 1/13/2022
“Understanding Far-Right Paramilitary Group "The Oath Keepers" Role in Jan. 6” | NBC NOW Tonight | 1/11/2022
“Fears of extremist violence go 'well beyond' January 6 anniversary” | CNN | 1/9/2022
“Floridians played a big role in the Capitol riot, do we have a bigger extremism problem?” | ABC Action News | 1/7/2022
“Research shows Florida leads country with most arrests in Capitol Riot” | FOX 35 | 1/7/2022
“To catch an insurrectionist” | Vox | 1/6/2022
“Online sleuths track down US Capitol attackers” | France 24 | 1/6/2022
“One year on, what do we know about the people who stormed the Capitol?” | Independent | 1/6/2022
“A year later, Florida still leads nation in Capitol riot arrests” | Tampa Bay Times | 1/6/2022
“Where we are with cases against the accused Capitol rioters” | WTOP News | 1/6/2022
“Capitol rioters identified by 7News: Where are they now?” | ABC7/WJLA-TV | 1/6/2022
“Dominic Pezzola — insurrectionist or misguided misfit? What lawyers will argue” | Rochester Democrat and Chronicle | 1/6/2022
“‘Pain and Scars From That Day Run Deep': Biden, DC Mark 1 Year Since Capitol Insurrection” | NBC 4 | 1/6/2022
“Capitol rioter Jenna Ryan speaks out before federal prison sentence” | USA Today | 1/5/2022
“Garland vows to hold Jan. 6 perpetrators 'at any level' accountable” | NBC News | 1/5/2022
“Texas had the 2nd most arrests in the Capitol Insurrection. 1 year later, that still matters” | Texas Public Radio | 1/5/2022
“Remorse, Indignation From Those Sentenced in Capitol Attack” | VOA News | 1/5/2022
“One Michigan county has one of the largest clusters of accused in the Jan. 6 insurrection” | Detroit News | 1/5/2022
“One year and six arrests later, Bucks County is still debating its part in Jan. 6 insurrection” | WESA | 1/5/2022
“Inside the FBI’s Capitol riot investigation: will the attackers be held accountable?” | Guardian | 1/4/2022
“In wake of Jan. 6, US military struggles to curb extremism” | Christian Science Monitor | 1/4/2022
“Inside the Feds’ Hunt for Hundreds of Capitol Riot Fugitives” | Daily Beast | 1/4/2022
“January 6: Insurrection Cases to Watch in 2022” | NBC 4 | 1/4/2022
“Capitol rioter compares attacks on her to treatment of ‘Jews in Germany’” | NBC News | 1/4/2022
“A year after Capitol riot, cases linger against some in Central Florida. So does extremism, experts say” | Orlando Sentinel | 1/3/2022
“After the US Capitol riot, a sprawling inquiry continues to grow” | AFP | 1/2/2022
“Top Stories of 2021: How Pa. election misinformation helped inspire an insurrection, investigations and policies” | WITF | 12/30/2021
“Pentagon Plan to Fight Extremism in the Ranks Is a Start, But Experts Say Problems Loom” | | 12/21/2021
“The right side of history: Social media is clear that Capitol rioters thought they were on it” | Courthouse News Service | 11/12/2021
“Capitol Rioters in Jail’s ‘Patriot Wing’ Have Their Own Rituals and a Growing Fan Base” | Vice News | 10/21/2021
“Global leaders gather in Pittsburgh this week to discuss the rise in extremist hate, find solutions” | WESA | 10/17/2021
“First of Utah’s Capitol riot suspects expected to plead guilty” | Fox 13 | 10/13/2021
“Hacked Records Reveal Hundreds Of Oath Keepers Across New Jersey” | Gothamist | 10/13/2021
“First of Utah’s Capitol riot suspects expected to plead guilty” | Fox 13 | 9/22/2021
“Jailed Jan. 6 Rioters Are Getting Fan Mail From Trump Supporters” | Vice News | 9/17/2021
“Washington once more on alert ahead of rally celebrating Jan. 6 rioters” | Boston Globe | 9/17/2021
“DHS: Extremists used TikTok to promote Jan. 6 violence” | POLITICO | 9/16/2021
“Judge: Potential ‘Danger’ Means Central Pennsylvania Man Charged In Jan. 6 Attack Must Stay In Jail Before Trial” | WESA | 9/3/2021
“Whitmer kidnap case jurors to be quizzed on bombs, masks, guns and insurrection” | The Detroit News | 9/3/2021
“After nearly 600 arrests, FBI's investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol siege continues” | Spectrum News Orlando | 9/2/2021
“Judge: Potential ‘danger’ means Ephrata man charged in Jan. 6 attack must stay in jail before trial” | WITF | 9/2/2021
“As the investigation drags on, Jan. 6 defendants win more freedom” | Atlanta Journal-Constitution | 8/27/2021
“Portland gunfight fuels alarm over growing use of weapons at rallies” | The Guardian | 8/26/2021
“Why an ‘uphill battle’ awaits lawmakers investigating Jan. 6 insurrection” | PBS Newshour | 7/27/2021
“Six months later, this is what we know about Georgia’s Jan. 6 defendants” | Atlanta Journal-Constitution | 7/26/2021
“Ad hoc extremist groups come into focus in post-January 6 criminal charges” | CNN | 7/21/2021
“What we know 6 months after the Capitol riot, and what we're still learning” | ABC7/WJLA-TV | 7/6/2021
“‘Right-Wing Death Squad’: Active-Duty Marine Plotted to Bomb DNC, Murder Black People, Feds Say” | Daily Beast | 6/29/2021
“Florida emerges as a cradle of the insurrection as Jan. 6 Capitol riot arrests keep piling up” | USA Today | 6/17/2021
“The Geophysicist Who Stormed the Capitol” | POLITICO | 6/11/2021
“Questions Linger About Jan. 6 Capitol Riot” | Voice of America | 6/4/2021
“US Marine Charged in Capitol Riot Prosecution” | NBC News | 5/17/2021
“FBI investigating origin of deadly Capitol riot” | NBC News | 4/13/2021
“Number of US Troops Linked to Domestic Terror Plots Small but Growing” | VOA News | 4/13/2021
“Whitmer kidnap probe leads feds to explosives, arsenals” | The Detroit News | 3/30/2021
“There were 566 extremist movements and paramilitary, armed groups in the United States last year” | RTV Slovenia | 3/29/2021
“Judge calls evidence against Oath Keepers member 'fairly strong, fairly convincing'” | FOX 35 | 3/15/2021
“Feds indict Whitmer kidnapping case informant as secret rift surfaces” | The Detroit News | 3/10/2021
“New report examines January 6th insurrection” | ABC7, 3/3/2021 | Live Broadcast
“It was just a matter of time': Authors of GWU report discuss thoughts on Capitol riot” | ABC7/WJLA-TV | 3/2/2021
“GW report analyzes backgrounds of Jan. 6 insurrectionists, shows extremism is a growing threat” | WUSA9-CBS9 | 3/2/2021
“Tampa man who took selfie in Senate chamber during Capitol riot facing several federal charges” | WFLA | 2/23/2021
“What we know about the Capitol riot investigation one month later” | NBC News | 2/8/2021
“What we know abou the January 6 riot” | CBC News | 1/30/2021
“Global Right-Wing Extremism Networks Are Growing. The U.S. Is Just Now Catching Up.” | ProPublica | 1/22/2021
“Heightened security for the Biden inauguration” | CBS News | 1/17/2021
“Michigan Capitol protest remains 'calm' on Sunday” | The Detroit News | 1/17/2021
“Self-Described Proud Boy in Queens Arrested for Allegedly Stockpiling Ammo and Weapons” | NY1 | 1/13/2021
“The FBI Says ‘Boogaloo’ Extremists Bought 3D-Printed Machine Gun Parts” | Wired Magazine | 11/6/2020
“‘Boogaloo’ extremists could seek violence post-election, experts warn” | Fox 46 | 10/26/2020
“Feds find bomb components in alleged Whitmer kidnapping plot” | The Detroit News | 10/26/2020
“White supremacist group talked about paramilitary training in secret vetting calls” | CNN | 10/22/2020
“The problem with ignoring fighting words from extremists” | West Hartford News | 10/14/2020
“What is the Boogaloo and why do they want to kidnap the governor?” | ABC7 | 10/9/2020
“Some of those charged in Whitmer plot attended Michigan Capitol rallies, witnesses say” | The Detroit News | 10/9/2020
“Extremism in America” | WGN9 | 10/9/2020
“FBI says it thwarted militia plot to kill Michigan Gov. Whitmer” | The Washington Times | 10/8/2020
“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s year: Nooses, beheadings and shouts of tyranny” | Bridge Michigan | 10/8/2020
“Mysterious Wolverine Watchmen militia group 'flew under radar'” | The Detroit News | 10/8/2020
“Ruby Ridge echoes in deadly Madison Heights FBI shootout” | The Detroit News | 10/7/2020
“These researchers study terrorists. Sometimes, they also stumble across scoops.” | Washington Post | 6/25/2019
“How a change in law could lead to more arrests of domestic terrorists” | ABC News | 3/26/2019
“Arrests in domestic terror probes outpace those inspired by Islamic extremists” | Washington Post | 3/9/2019
“The terrorism research center behind the Coast Guard officer scoop” | Columbia Journalism Review | 3/1/2019
- Occasional Papers
The Need for a Specific Law Against Domestic Terrorism
Amy C. Collins | September 2020Confronting Racially and Ethnically Motivated Terrorism: A Call To Designate Foreign White Identity Extremist Groups Under U.S. Federal Law
Amy C. Collins | September 2020Unpacking the Links Between Ideas and Violent Extremism
Pete Simi | August 2020Transnational Neo-Nazism in the USA, United Kingdom and Australia
Paul Jackson | February 2020Strategic Operational Continuum: Retooling Prevention (PDF)
Joumana Silyan-Saba | April 2019Conspiracy Theories in the Patriot/Militia Movement
Sam Jackson | May 2017Countering Violent Extremism: Lessons on Early Intervention from the United Kingdom’s Channel Program
Talene Bilazarian | October 2016Nazis vs. ISIS on Twitter: A Comparative Study of White Nationalist and ISIS Online Social Media Networks
J.M. Berger | September 2016Without Prejudice: What Sovereign Citizens Believe
J.M. Berger | June 2016The Domestic Terrorism Threat in the United States: A Primer
Andrew Gumbel | December 2015- Policy Papers
Persuade or Perish: Addressing Gaps in the U.S. Posture to Confront Propaganda and Disinformation Threats:
Haroro J. Ingram | February 2020A Plan for Preventing and Countering Terrorist and Violent Extremist Exploitation of Information and Communications Technology in America
Audrey Alexander | September 2019Leveraging CDA 230 to Counter Online Extremism
Annemarie Bridy | September 2019Three Constitutional Thickets
Daphne Keller | September 2019Counterterrorism is a Public Function
Alexander Guittard | September 2019Lessons from the Information War
J.D. Maddox | September 2019Social Media, Terrorist Content Prohibitions and the Rule of Law
Stuart Macdonald | September 2019EU Policy: Preventing the Dissemination of Terrorist Content Online
Jordy Krasenberg | September 2019Disinformation in Terrorist Content Online
Nina Jankowicz | September 2019Unraveling the Impact of Social Media on Extremism
Anjana Susarla | September 2019Fighting Hate Speech and Terrorist Propaganda on Social Media in Germany
Alexander Ritzmann | September 2019The Internet Police
Jeff Breinholt | September 2019Filling the Gap in Our Terrorism Statutes
Mary McCord | August 2019Surveying the Landscape of the American Far Right
Mark Pitcavage | August 2019Terrorism Prevention in the United States: A Policy Framework for Filling the CVE Void
Haroro J. Ingram | November 2018Radicalization in Custody: Towards Data-Driven Terrorism Prevention in the United States Federal Correctional System
Bennett Clifford | November 2018- Reports
Christian Identity Reborn: The Evolution and Revitalization of an Antisemitic Theology
Authored by Jon Lewis, Stuart Wexler, Jessa Mellea, and M.B. Tyler | August 2024
From Camps to Computers: Inside the Black Hebrew Israelite Extremist Ecosystem on Facebook
Authored by Luke Baumgartner | August 2024
The Age of Incoherence? Understanding Mixed and Unclear Ideology Extremism | Authored by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens | June 2023
Founding Fathers of the Modern American Neo-Nazi Movement: The Impacts and Legacies of Louis Beam, William Luther Pierce, and James Mason | Authored by Haroro J. Ingram and Jon Lewis | June 2023
From Reconstruction to Day of the Rope: The Evolution and Persistence of Assassination as a Tool for White Supremacist Terror | Authored by Joseph Stabile | November 2022
Contemporary Violent Extremism and the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement | Authored by The Program on Extremism | September 2022
Mayhem, Murder, and Misdirection: Violent Extremist Attack Plots Against Critical Infrastructure in the United States, 2016-2022 | Authored by Bennett Clifford and Ilana Krill | September 2022
Women in American Violent Extremism: An Examination of Far-Right and Salafi-Jihadist Movements
Authored by Chelsea Daymon and Devorah Margolin | June 2022
Authored by Mallory Bryan, Sarah Dunn, E.J. Purdy, Tara Sonnemaker | June 2022
Authored by Bennet Clifford and Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens | April 2022
The Women of January 6: A Gendered Analysis of the 21st Century American Far-Right
Authored by Hilary Matfess and Devorah Margolin | April 2022
This is the Aftermath: Assessing Domestic Violent Extremism One Year After the Capitol Siege
Authored by Bennett Clifford and Jon Lewis | January 2022
Moderating Extremism: The State of Online Terrorist Content Removal Policy in the United States
Authored by Bennett Clifford | December 2021
Authored by Alexander Meleagrou Hitchens, Blyth Crawford, Valentin Wutke | December 2021
November 2021
Racially/Ethnically Motivated (RMVE) Attack Planning and United States Federal Response, 2014-2019
Authored by Bennett Clifford | May 2021
“This is War” Examining Military Experience Among the Capitol Hill Siege Participants
Authored by Daniel Milton and Andrew Mines | April 2021
"This is Our House!" A Preliminary Assessment of the Capitol Hill Siege Participants
Authored by The Program on Extremism Staff | March 2021
Authored by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens Bennett Clifford, Lorenzo Vidino | October 2020
White Supremacist Terror: Modernizing Our Approach to Today's Threat
Authored by Jon Lewis, Seamus Hughes, Oren Segal, and Ryan Greer | April 2020
Authored by Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes | June 2015
- Testimonies
The Role of the Oath Keepers in the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol
Written Testimony of Jon Lewis
Research Fellow, Program on Extremism
Before the Alaska House Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee
February 10, 2022The State of Homegrown Terrorism
Written Testimony of Seamus Hughes
Deputy Director, Program on ExtremismBefore the California State Assembly Select Committee on the State of Hate
November 16, 2021Assessing the Threat from Accelerationists and Militia Extremists
Written Testimony of JJ MacNab
Fellow, Program on ExtremismBefore the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee
July 16, 2020The Rise of Radicalization: Is the U.S. Government Failing to Counter International and Domestic Terrorism?
Written Testimony of Seamus Hughes
Deputy Director, Program on ExtremismBefore the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security
July 15, 2015- Trackers