Antisemitism in the Black Hebrew Israelite and Christian Identity Movements

In light of the October 7th attack on Israel, the topic of antisemitism once again permeates social, political, and religious discourse in the United States and abroad, raising questions about Zionism and “true” Jewish identity. These issues are central to two lesser-known movements–Christian Identity and the Black Hebrew Israelites–that place the essence of their perceived Jewish identity at the forefront of their ideology. Both Christian Identity and the Black Hebrew Israelite movements date back more than a century and lay claim to the title of the “true” Jews, castigating white Jews as “imposters.”
To discuss these issues, the Program on Extremism at The George Washington University organized an online event featuring:
- Dr. Vince Bantu, President of the Meachum School of Haymanot and Assistant Professor of Church History and Black Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary
- Stuart Wexler, a historian, author, and one of America’s top investigative researchers on domestic terrorism and radical religious activities.
This event was moderated by Program on Extremism Research Fellows Jon Lewis and Luke Baumgartner.