Dr. Jean-Luc Marret

Dr. Jean-Luc Marret
Senior Fellow at Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique
Jean-Luc Marret is a senior fellow at Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (Paris). He previously represented his think tank in Washington, DC, for 8 years, at the Center for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University). His research examines the links between State order and violent non-state actors, for instance political violence, terrorism and violent extremisms. He has been part of many international and national research projects (FP7 SAFIRE, FP7 IMPACT-EU, H2020 Mindb4act), etc. He was recently the creator and director of AMAL Program, for the French Ministry of Justice - a program that was considered as a successful initiative regarding preventing jihadi recidivism in jail with returnees. He is also the author of around 15 books, multiple policy reports, peer-reviewed articles and media interventions.