Sergio Altuna

Dr. Sergio Altuna is a Senior Research Fellow for the Program on Extremism at The George Washington University. His areas of expertise include violent non-state actors in the Great Maghreb and the Sahel; contemporary Islamist thought; Islamist narratives; and the development of alternative narratives and counternarratives. He also specializes in the creation of monitoring and evaluation tools to measure the impact of security policies in unstable environments.
His PhD research focused on the evolution of jihadi narratives, implementing for that purpose an innovative approach based on the compilation, the systematized coding, and the exploitation of an electronic, monolingual, specialized, and diachronic corpus of all relevant propaganda publications by AQIM. Dr. Altuna also holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Valladolid, an MA in Arabic Language, Literature, and History from the University of Tunis al-Manar, and another MA in Terrorism Studies from the International University of La Rioja.
Prior to joining the Program on Extremism at The George Washington University, apart from his research, Dr. Altuna also developed a career as an international consultant working with institutions such as NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub, the Japanese Ministry of Defense, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. In addition to his work as a researcher and consultant, he has lectured at several universities, both in the field of linguistics at University of Jendouba (Tunisia) and at University of the Ionian Islands (Greece), and in the field of social sciences and law at Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain) and at Pablo de Olavide University (Spain). Dr. Altuna is also an Associate Analyst in the Program on Violent Radicalization and Global Terrorism at the Elcano Royal Institute.
Having resided most of his professional life in different countries in North Africa, Dr. Altuna is fluent in Spanish, English, French, Arabic, and Greek.
"The ISIS 'caliphate' failed but extremism remains an evolving threat", National News, July 17, 2024
"La reconfiguración de las estructuras de seguridad en el Sahel: fracaso del enfoque Occidental, cambio de socios y turbulencias en el horizonte", Elcano Royal Institute, July 17, 2024
"Limitar la financiación de Hamas desde Occidente", El Mundo, December 27, 2023
"The Spanish Role in the Institutionalization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe", Hudson, September 11, 2023
"Made-to-measure Qur’anic quotations: the incomplete verses of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb", Elcano Royal Institute, June 20, 2019
The Muslim Brotherhood in the West?, Program on Extremism, January 2025
Islamist Reactions to the Fall of the Assad Regime and the Role of HTS in Syria's Post-Revolutionary Landscape, Program on Extremism, December 2024
Propaganda, Procurement and Lethal Operations: Iran's Activities Inside America, Program on Extremism, October 2024
Beyond Islamic Guidance: Qatar-based IUMS as an Agitator in the Israel-Hamas War, Program on Extremism, December 2023
Tackling Hamas Funding in the West, Program on Extremism, November 2023
Muslim Brotherhood In Spain, Real Instituto Elcano, October 2022
The Muslim Brotherhood's Reaction to the Taliban's Return to Power, Program on Extremism, November 2021
The Muslim Brotherhood's Pan-European Structure, Documentation Centre Political Islam, October 2021
"Contemporary Islamism in Spain: A Landscape Dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood," in Thomas Jäger and Ralph Thiele, eds., Handbook of Political Islam in Europe (Springer International Publishing, 2024).
"El Sahel, foco de atracción de combatientes desde España y Marruecos para engrosar las filas yihadistas" | Infobae | 01/21/2025
"خبير دولي يستبعد أن تشهد تونس موجة من عودة المقاتلين من سوريا" | Tunisie Telegraph| 12/17/2024
"Tunisia: Altuna (George Washington University), “escludo ritorno di foreign fighter dalla Siria" | Agenzia Nova | 12/17/2024
"El conflicto en Gaza y la invasión de Líbano: la geopolítica en Oriente Medio, en jaque" | RTVE | 10/05/2024
"España deja en mínimos su presencia militar en África" | ABC España | 08/11/2024
"El Estado Islámico, lejos de su extinción" | Swissinfo | 06/27/2024
"Diez años del EI: tocado en la cuna de su «califato», pero más fuerte en África y Asia" | Swissinfo | 06/27/2024
"Asia y el Sahel, los escenarios en torno a los que pivota el Estado Islámico actual" | Swissinfo | 03/23/2024
"La « Semaine de l’antiracisme et de la diversité », ou l'entrisme frériste au Parlement européen" | Le Journal du Dimanche | 03/20/2024
"Há uma coisa em Gaza que ainda não foi destruída: a fortuna do Hamas. De que é feito o seu (robusto) portefólio de investimentos?" | Expresso | 12/26/2023
"Misión: cortar el grifo de financiación occidental a Hamás. Ha salido regular" | El Confidencial | 12/06/2023
"Hamas é o terceiro grupo terrorista mais rico do mundo: saiba os esforços de Israel e dos Estados Unidos ‘para fechar a torneira’ de dinheiro" | Executive Digest | 12/06/2023