Domestic Extremist Groups and Movements
The Base

The Base is a white supremacist, neo-Nazi organization founded in 2018 by Rinaldo Nazzaro, a former U.S. intelligence contractor. Rooted in accelerationist ideology, The Base advocates for the collapse of modern society through violent acts to instigate a race war and establish a white ethnostate. The group operates internationally, recruiting extremists and training them in paramilitary tactics. Its overarching goal is to undermine governments and destabilize societies to achieve its vision of racial supremacy and social reorganization.
The Proud Boys

The Proud Boys is a far-right, male-only organization founded in 2016 by Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes, a Canadian writer and political commentator. The group promotes a blend of ultranationalism, misogyny, and Western chauvinism, opposing feminism, immigration, and what they perceive as threats to traditional Western values. Often involved in street-level violence, the Proud Boys have been linked to acts of political intimidation and were a prominent force during the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack. Their overarching goals include opposing leftist ideologies and preserving their vision of traditional cultural and political norms.
The Oath Keepers

The Oath Keepers is a far-right, anti-government militia group founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale Law graduate. The group recruits current and former military, law enforcement, and first responders, claiming to defend the Constitution against perceived government overreach. They promote conspiracy theories about federal tyranny and have been involved in armed standoffs and high-profile events, including the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack. The group's primary mission is to resist what they view as unconstitutional actions by the government, often using militarized tactics and rhetoric.
Atomwaffen Division

Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a neo-Nazi, accelerationist group founded in the United States in 2015 by Brandon Russell. The group promotes a violent and apocalyptic ideology inspired by Adolf Hitler, James Mason’s Siege, and the concept of societal collapse to establish a white supremacist state. Atomwaffen Division has been linked to multiple acts of violence, including murders and bomb plots, and seeks to destabilize governments through terrorism and chaos. Their ultimate objective is to incite a race war and bring about the collapse of modern society to create a white ethnostate.

The Boogaloo movement is a loosely organized far-right, anti-government extremist movement that emerged in the 2010s on internet message boards. Its adherents advocate for a second civil war, often referred to as the "Boogaloo," to overthrow the government and resist perceived tyranny. The movement encompasses a range of ideologies, from libertarianism to white supremacy, united by their opposition to government authority and gun control. Members have been linked to violent acts and conspiracies, with their ultimate aim being to provoke societal collapse and usher in a new political order.
Blood Tribe

Blood Tribe is a neo-Nazi organization that promotes an explicitly white supremacist, anti-Semitic ideology founded by former Marine and tattoo artist Christopher Pohlhaus in 2021. Blood Tribe claims to have chapters across the United States and Canada and is a growing organization. Blood Tribe made its first public appearance in May 2023 and has since held multiple demonstrations across the country, primarily in the Midwest and on the East Coast. Members of Blood Tribe are known for their extremist rhetoric, use of Nazi symbols, and participation in hate-filled public demonstrations, primarily targeting immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community.
Goyim Defense League (GDL)

The Goyim Defense League (GDL) is a network of white supremacist, antisemitic, neo-Nazi provocateurs founded in 2018 by Jon Minadeo II. The group spreads conspiracy theories blaming Jewish people for societal issues and promotes Holocaust denial and other extremist ideologies. GDL members engage in provocative stunts, such as distributing anti-Semitic flyers, displaying hate-filled banners, and organizing public demonstrations to spread their rhetoric. GDL's primary goal is to incite hatred against Jews and spread white supremacist beliefs.
National Socialist Club (NSC-131)

National Socialist Club-131, or NSC-131, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in 2019 by Chris Hood with small regional cells around the United States. Primarily based in the Northeastern United States, NSC-131 promotes militant white nationalism and a vision of a racially homogenous society. NSC-131 members are known for engaging in street-level activism, including hate-filled demonstrations, propaganda distribution, and intimidation tactics that focus on immigrants and the LGTBQ+ community.
Patriot Front

Patriot Front is a white nationalist organization founded in 2017 by Thomas Rousseau following the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The group promotes an ultra-nationalist ideology centered on the idea of creating a white ethnostate in the United States, rejecting multiculturalism and diversity. Patriot Front is known for its propaganda campaigns, including distributing flyers, staging marches, and defacing public art, all aimed at spreading its white nationalist message. Their ultimate goal is to reshape American society to align with their vision of racial and cultural homogeneity.