The Forever War: The Doctrine and Legacy of ISIS Child Soldiers

February 18, 2023

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This research paper delves into ISIS’s strategy in using children as soldiers and the social, theological, and ideological infrastructures the group created to achieve this goal. The paper outlines the steps ISIS took to deconstruct familial and social bonds, establish a competitive system of meaning through propaganda, and use schools to indoctrinate and train children. The paper also examines the current state of children affected by ISIS and the two dangerous concepts that have emerged as a result: "The Sons of Martyrs" and "The Sons of Daesh." Finally, the paper offers recommendations for addressing the long-term consequences of ISIS's use of child soldiers and the social stigmatization faced by families with perceived ISIS affiliations. The paper underscores the need for a comprehensive and sustained effort to address the aftermath of ISIS's reign and prevent future conflicts in which children could become the engine of brutality and radicalization.