Media Coverage

In the News  |  Our Reports

As a leader in the field of extremism research, our works have been cited by some of the largest and most influential news organizations in the world.

"This is War": Examining Military Experience Among the Capitol Hill Siege Participants

"This is Our House!" A Preliminary Assessment of the Capitol Hill Siege Participants

Dollars for Daesh: Analyzing the Finances of American ISIS Supporters

Encrypted Extremism: Inside the English-Speaking Islamic State Ecosystem on Telegram

The Travelers: American Jihadists in Syria and Iraq

Digital Decay: Tracing Change Over Time Among English-Language Islamic State Supporters on Twitter

Fear thy Neighbor: Radicalization and Jihadist Attacks in the West

Not Just The Caliphate: Non-Islamic State-Related Jihadist Terrorism in America

Cruel Intentions: Female Jihadists in America

ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa



In the News  |  Our Staff & Fellows

The Program's staff and fellows are frequently featured as experts in media reports, offering analyses on both domestic and international cases of violent extremism and radicalization.

60 Minutes
60 Minutes interview with Seamus Hughes


July 2021—December 2021

January 2021—June 2021

July 2020—December 2020
January 2020—June 2020
July 2019—December 2019
January 2019—June 2019
July 2018—December 2018
January 2018—June 2018
July 2017—December 2017
January 2017—June 2017
July 2016—December 2016
January 2016—June 2016
June 2015—December 2015