
The Program on Extremism pursues multiple streams on a range of extremism-related issues across the globe. From the threats posed by white supremacists and the militia movement domestically to the global jihadist landscape and its nexus in the U.S. to the activities of Islamist groups, we offer a range of research products to support policymakers, civic leaders, and the general public.

Visit our main research stream pages below to learn more:



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Without Prejudice: What Sovereign Citizens Believe

Authored by J.M. Berger

Hisba in Mosul: Systematic Oppression in the Name of Virtue

Authored by Rasha Al Aqeedi

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The Domestic Terrorism Threat In The United States: A Primer

Authored by Andrew Gumbel

ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa

Authored by Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes

The Muslim Brotherhood In The United Kingdom

The Muslim Brotherhood in the United Kingdom

Authored by Lorenzo Vidino

Countering Extremism: Learning from the United Kingdom Model

Authored by Ghaffar Hussain

Countering Violent Extremism and American Muslims

Authored by Kamran Bokhari