Events Archive
A list of all previous Program on Extremism events is available below. To receive information and registration details for future events, please join our Mailing List.

Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea
Friday, 4/5/2019, 10:00am - 11:30am
Moderated by Audrey Alexander and featuring Dr. Shiraz Maher

Ground Perspectives on the Wars Against the Islamic State: A Look at the Past, Present, and Future
Monday, 3/25/2019, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Moderated by Audrey Alexander and featuring Brett Reichert, Dr. Craig Whiteside, and Dr. Haroro J. Ingram

A Book Talk With Farah Pandith
How We Win: How Cutting-Edge Entrepreneurs, Political Visionaries, Enlightened Business Leaders, and Social Media Mavens Can Defeat the Extremist Threat
Thursday, 3/21/2019, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Moderated by Seamus Hughes and featuring Farah Pandith

Jihadism After the Caliphate: A Joint GWUPOE-FFI Discussion
Friday, 1/25/2019, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Moderated by Haroro J. Ingram and featuring Ambassador Kare R. Aas, Anner Stenersen, Thomas Hegghammer, and Cole Bunzel

A Conversation with Thomas Brzozowski
The Counsel for Domestic Terrorism at the Department of Justice (DOJ)
Tuesday, 12/4/2018, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Moderated by Eric Tucker and featuring Thomas Brzozowski

Towards a Terrorism Prevention Strategy in the United States: A Transatlantic Discussion
Thursday, 11/8/2018, 10:00am - 11:30am
Moderated by Seamus Hughes and featuring Dr. Alastair Reed, Bennett Clifford, Audrey Alexander, and Dr. Haroro J. Ingram

Salafism in America: History, Evolution, Radicalization
Monday, 10/15/2018, 10:00am - 11:30am
Moderated by Lorenzo Vidino and featuring Alexander Meleagoru-Hitchens, Hassan Hassan, and Mohamed-Ali Adraoui

Congressional Brief: Preventing terrorism in the U.S., successes, failures, and recommendations
Tuesday, 10/9/2018, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Featuring Seamus Hughes, Farah Pandith, David Phillippi, and Chris Meserole